Business Meeting
- The Nominating Committee provided the names for the Office of President and the Office of Secretary and opened the floor for additional nominations. Having none, a verbal affirmation for the election of officers was called for. Linda D. was elected to the two-year term at DVHSG President and Caryl C. was named as DVHSG Secretary for an additional two years. All in favor.
- 19 in 19 Challenge - Patrick passed the book for members to enter completed projects to their page.
- Reminder - Our December meeting will be our annual Holiday Exchange. Your piece must be a stitched piece with a sampler theme. Members who participate are encouraged to include not only the guild initials, DVHSG, but also their own initials and the year on their exchange piece. For newer members, please check our past year's blog and Face book posts to see what has been stitched and exchanged in the past.
- Woodlawn - Please bring any piece you wish to submit to Woodlawn to the January Guild Meeting.
- Treasurer - Nancy F. shared a Thank You form Lennie Truit, our guest speaker and instructor for the tinted linen class.
- Calendar
- January - Bring in and share your stitching related Christmas gifts. In addition, two guild members will be showcased.
- February - Cynthia Steinhoff, author of the Delaware Discovery Book, will speak on Quaker Samplers
- March - Theresa Baird will teach the spiral trellis stitch - one of her favorites!
- April - Betsy Morgan Class - The Christmas Etui. This will be an all day class. More information will follow about sign-ups and cost.
- May - May is our 20th Guild Anniversary. A committee is working on a series of events. It will be the regular meeting weekend which is Mother's Day Weekend.
- June - TBD
- July - Tentative Christmas in July
- August - Stash Reallocation Sale
- Retreats - We will be attending both the spring and fall retreats at Salty Yarns again in 2020. More information on dates, costs and sign-ups will follow.
Show and Tell
Tinted linen towel, by Jean T. Below, Christmas Stocking by Jean T.
Foreground, fish by Patrick and background just the corner of the beautiful Pam Darney Sampler stitched by Dennis S.
Below, leave it to Patrick to take a Dollar Store find and turn it in to a Halloween stitched piece.
Pumpkin by Linda D.

Punch needle Pumpkin by Donna A.

Above, Snowflake by Primitive Hare, stitched by Caryl C. Below, Summer House Stitche Workes stitched and finished by Caryl C. and Hands On Designs stitched and finished by Caryl C. too.

Halloween Box also stitched and finished by Caryl C.

Beautifully finished Blackbird Designs Drum by Diane A.

Take time for friends by Jeannette Douglas Designs

Butternut Road Sampler by Marnie B.

Punch needle Stocking by Cynda.
Above, tin cup pin cushion with design by Samplers Notforgotten stitched by Stacy S. Below, Mill Hill Crab stitched by Stacy S.

Tree of Life Samplings by Jan Alexander, stitched by Stacy S.
With Thy Needle and Thread design stitched and finished by Lynn D.
Just Nan's Baby Garden, stitched by Lynn D.
And to round it out, tons of finishes by Francine C.
Morning Class
Our first class was with Janis Note of Noteworthy Needle. Janis instructed us how to drill foam pumpkins! It always amazes me when a teacher comes up with something so totally new. 

As with all projects, we learned that pattern placement was the most important and difficult part.
Janis brought a lot of samplers and we all enjoyed learning to drill the foam pumpkins!
We assembled the pin cushion and covered the box and lid with coordinating paper.
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