
The Delaware Valley Historic Sampler Guild ("DVHSG") is a non-profit, education association.   The purpose of the DVHSG is to promote and teach the art and appreciation of needlework sampler making, both historic and contemporary, the study of sampler history, and the preservation of antique samplers.

The DVHSG meets on the second Saturday of every month at Ebenezer Church, 525 Polly Drummond Hill Road, Newark, Delaware.  Monthly meetings focus on the sharing of members' current works, formal discussion focused on a needlework topic, teaching and sharing of techniques and teaching classes.  All are welcome to visit a monthly meeting or to join the Guild.   Anyone with a common interest in samplers is welcome to join the DVHSG by paying the annual membership dues of $25 per year.  

If you are interested in more information, please email  


  1. I'm interested in joining and have sent an email to the address listed above. I'm looking forward to receiving information!

    Thank you!
    Julia Whitesel

  2. I'm interested in joining the guild and have emailed the address listed above. I'm looking forward to receiving the information!

    Thank you!
    Julia Whitesel

    1. Fantastic! Please just show up at our next meeting. May 10 at Cokesbury Village. The meeting starts at 10 but about 9:30 you will start to see all the stitchers filing in.
