Membership - Membership is now PAST DUE. Dues is $25 annually. Please complete and return the MEMBERSHIP FORM.
20 in 2020 Challenge Patrick shared the tally of projects compleled. There were a total of 651 projects reported as completed in 2020. Keeping in mind that only 24 people turned in a list. The top six winners are:
1. Stacy S. with 43
2. Pat Y. with 42
3. Ellen P with 38
4. Caryl C. with 35
5. Patrick with 34
6. Ann S. and Jean T. tied with 33
Your needles were on fire stitchers! Each will be receiving a 6 x 6 tablet with the DVHSG Logo.
Designer of the year - For the winners of the 2020 participation in the Blackbird stitching, Sara at Salty Yarns has DOUBLED the prize. Instead of $10 gift cards, each winner will be receiving a $20 gift card. Our CONTINUED THANKS to Salty Yarns and their great staff!
2021 Designer La-D-Da - Members are encouraged to stitch charts from La-D-Da in 2021. 

Winterthur - If anyone is taking the 2nd class with Sharon Verbos at Winterthur, please contact President Linda D. The 2nd class is at the same time as today's meeting and Sharon will rebroadcast it for those who will miss it. Linda needs to give her the number of participants. Please message Linda if you are part of the class.
Upcoming Programs
March Meeting - Cindy Steinhoff will hold a discussion via Zoom on two Delaware Samplers and one Maryland sampler
April Meeting - Possible member showcase
Spring Retreat - There has been no decision on a spring retreat in OCMD
May Meeting - Sheryl DeJohn of the Smithsonian will lead a discussion on samplers
June Meeting - Susan Greening Davis will lead a discussion on needles, sizes, uses, etc. The program is free. There is a brochure available for $12 ($10 and $2 postage). Please complete flyer that will be sent with your newsletter. Sign up is due by April 30.
June - The annual in-person NASHVILLE MARKET has been canceled but will be available virtually. Use the link to Needlework Expo. You are not able to buy from this site but can see the new releases and contact your LNS. There is also a Facebook page for Needlework Expo.
Programming - A continued THANKS to our Program Coordinator! It is not easy to come up with virtual meeting ideas. If you have a suggestion, please let Stacy S. or any Board Member know.
February 2021 Program
Linda Stolz creator of Erica Michael's Designs joined us via Zoom. Originally from Kansas, she now resides in Tennessee. She has been designing for the past 21 years and since retiring three years ago, she now can focus all her energy to her designs.
Twelve years ago she started designing for silk gauze. As for strawberry designs, she created her first strawberry chart about 5 years ago. She quickly picked up on stitchers being intimidating on finishing a strawberry.
Her design process is that she first designs the silk berry. These are one over one on 40 count. The linen berry is not an identical chart but rather is a compliment. She includes both charts in her patterns. Linda said that she learned a lot about perfecting strawberries by simply just doing them and learning what worked and what did not.
Linda worked her way through the pattern, kit and instructions and gave us a complete outline on how to assemble our stitched strawberry. She discussed using her templates; options for filling the strawberry; closing the top of the strawberry.
Linda shared with us the variety of strawberry top finishes that she has done and explained how we could do each. She also gave us a 'sneak peak' of her new designs to be released this spring.
Tips to remember -
- Use one strand of button/craft thread for your gathering stitch
- Use stencil plastic or comic board to create stiffer, reusable templates for the strawberries
- Mark a center at the top and bottom of your stitched design to ad in lining it up when you assemble the strawberry
- The templates DO NOT INCLUDE seam allowance
- The template is the size of the interfacing
- Iron on the interfacing BEFORE cutting the linen
- Cut a length of yarn and unply it to stuff into the pointed end of the strawberry
- Pull gathering thread to leave a one inch diameter opening. This will allow you to continue to stuff the top and work out the wrinkles and will be covered by the topping.
- Use freezer paper to create/trace patterns to top
- Complete top with all embellishments first and then attach the completed top to the strawberry
All starter kits were mailed by Linda S. directly to the stitcher. If you have not received your starter kit yet, contact Linda D. or Stacy and they will get the tracking number from Linda S.
In addition to everything Linda shared today, she has a tutorial on her website, Erica Michaels Designs.
Any Erica Michael's Designs chart ordered from Salty Yarns in February will receive a 15% discount - Let Salty Yarns know you are a DVHSG member when ordering.
Just a reminder, if you are participating in our Zoom Meeting and you are NOT the speaking or making a comment, please put your device on mute. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.