Our August meeting was called to order by our President Eve C. Eve welcomed all online via Zoom to the meeting. There were 58 members online. New members and guests were welcomed. Minutes were distributed of the July meeting in the meeting’s follow up Newsletter. Committee Reports were shared.
Items of interest
The Green Book - Patrick said to keep up the good stitching and continue to submit via email your finsihes throughout the year. Patrick will print and add to the binder to continue to create a record of the finishes we have accomplished.
Conservation Fund - Marnie has sent reminders to the 18 organizations who received the grant forms for our 2024 grant funds. To date, she has had four response with questions and interest. The deadline is September 30 to apply for funding. At that time, the committee will review the submissions and make a recommendation to the Board.
Secret Stitcher - Susan H has sent out the names to all those participating. If participating, please reply to her email that you have received your Secret Stitcher’s name.
Holiday Exchange - Susan H will again handle the holiday exchange. Away stitchers can participate. Away stitchers watch for more information about signing up. Those attending in person, there is no need to sign up in advance. If you bring a wrapped small, you will be a wrapped small in return.
Questionnaire - Susan H will be working with Stacy S to create a questionnaire for members. Watch for this in the coming month.
Hummingbird SAL - Band 8 at bottom left and Band 9 at top right are the August assignments. Continue to work on the border.
Nominating Committee - Susan H, Linda D. and Mary Rita M are on the Nominating Committee. For this election we have two positions open: Vice President/Program Director and Treasurer. Please contact one of these ladies if you have any interest in holding one of these positions.
Upcoming Programs
September - Teresa Miller of Teresa’s Primitives will lead the class in finishing a fall small. All members can attend the meeting. For those who signed up for the class, you should have received your pre-stitch. Please bring the completed stitch, with interfacing attached, to the September meeting.
October - This will be our Garage Sale. Bring any stitching related items you wish to sell. You set the prices. The Guild suggests you donated 5 or 10% of your profits to the Guild’s Conservation Fund. Any items unsold, can be left and will be taken to Fireside Stitchery for eBay sales. Any money raised from eBay sales will go into the Conservation Fund
November - We will have Kim Young of Sassy Jack’s discuss the Mabel Tukes Sampler. Forms will be available from our August Meeting Newsletter. It was decided this meeting would coincide with our Fall Retreat at Salty Yarns in Berlin, MD. All members, whether at Salty Yarns or at home, will be able to participate in the meeting via Zoom. The cost for the kit will be $80. You will have the choice of 32, 36 or 40 count linen. The Retreat form will also be available in the August Newsletter. The cost has been increased to $75.
December - Annual Holiday Exchange
2025 - Upcoming in 2025 will be Catherine Theron/Sampler, Jackie DuPlessis/Berlin work, and a presentation by Dawn Cook Ronningen.
Next Meeting - In person, September 14th, 10 a.m.