Our program this month was so filled with photos of the beautiful samplers brought by Crystal S. that I have divided the meeting into two posts. For the program portion, please see post "April Meeting - Part Two"
Announcements -
Salty Yarns Retreat - This year is shaping up to be the biggest ever! MEMBERS ONLY Retreat the weekend of April 27th.
May - The Gold Work Class. The class will be in the afternoon following the meeting. The morning meeting will feature the teacher sharing her vast knowledge of gold work. Even if you are not attending the class, you should make sure you attend the meeting.
June - Many members will be attending the symposium at the Biggs Museum, therefore we will hold a stitch-in instead of a program.
July - Pat Y. will share her collection of stitched angels. She will also have a small kit for everyone in attendance.
August - The August meeting is our traditional "stash redistribution sale". The guild would hope you will share a percentage of any sales with the treasury. Also, at the individual stitchers choice, any items not sold or traded, can be left to be taken to Fireside for their eBay auction.
September - Member Liz C. will provide a demo on Peyote beading. There will be a small charge for the kit. More info will follow.
October - Both Francine C. and Marnie B. collect marclyn ware. They will bring in their collections to share.
November - TBD
December - Our annual holiday luncheon. For the exchange, to participate, please stitch a small needlework accessory and bring to the meeting wrapped for exchanging.
Samplers Revisited, stitched by Dennis S.
Jean T. stitched both the above and below samplers.
Heart's Ease Examplar Workes Belsnickle's Christmas, by Theresa B.
Blackbird Designs, stitched by.........(anyone know who?)
Jean T.'s class piece finished.
Punch needle bunny and chick, stitched by Cinda. So cute!
Prairie Schooler (I think), Stitched by Ellen P.
Lindsay shared this beauty. Even prettier in person. This was charted in black only. Lindsay adapted it for color. Great job.
Perforated paper ornaments by Lindsay.
Two pillows stitched by Lindsay. I think they are Pine Mt. kits.
Not only does Caryl stitch and finish she overachieves and knits too. She said she made her first sweater and bootie set 30 years ago for the father of this soon to be born little one.
Ann S. shared her progress on Queenstown Sampler's Corsica River
If I didn't get a picture of your finish, I apologize. It is difficult at meetings when we don't have the Show 'n Tell table. By the time I can politely circulate, many have already put their items away. If you'd like me to add you pictures here, please take a photo and email me a red1974@hotmail.com.