President Linda D called the meeting to ordered, welcomed all. Ask for any new members present but, being shy, no one responded.
The monthly WIPGO number pulled was #1.Treasurer’s Report was read. Robin reported all items paid and all deposits made during October. The only outstanding item is the money due to Kimberly Nugent for the Hummingbird Sampler. The amount available in the Conservation Fund was shared. We have 195 current members.
Nominating Committee - Kathy R worked with Evalyn G on the Nominating Committee. The offices of President and Secretary positions are open for re-election. Having no names from the floor a motion was made to close and second the slate of the elections a s presented. Evelyn C for President and Caryl C for Secretary. A voice vote of those present was held with all in favor of Evelyn C for President and Caryl C for Secretary.
Secret Stitcher - If you do not have a FB account, please notify Susan H and she will post your acknowledgement or thank you on FB for you when you receive a ‘gift’.
Designer of the Year - We currently have 10 names on the list. Please send in any ideas you have. The Board will meet and pare the number down from ten prior to the December meeting. We will vote at the December meeting.
The Green Book - The Green Book or Patrick’s Book was explained for new members. It is an ongoing book where members can log their completed projects. Each person’s list is filed alphabetically in the binder. Members can review the binder and see a listing of what they have accomplished in any year. Members should email their list to Linda Daeleman’s before the end of January. She will print and prepare for Patrick to file in the binder. Numbers will be reviewed and participation awards will be given. Following Linda’s term as President, she will continue to collect and prepare these each year for Patrick.
Conservation Committee - The Conservation Committee is preparing a report for the Board with their recommendation for the annual donation.
Patrick was recognized for being featured in the Needlepointers September/October ANG publication. Kudos to Patrick.

Tech Person - Susan H. has volunteered to create power points as needed for the Guild meetings.
Spring Date for the Spring DVHSG Retreat is being finalized.
A road trip to Hobby House Needleworks in Fairport NY is in the “interest” stages. The trip will be stitching at Hobby House, tour of the Ontario County Historical Society and their collection of samplers, lunch together following the visit to the historical society. Each participant will be responsible for their own lodging and transportation to and from Fairport. More details on dates, etc., and local places of interest will be provided if the trip is arranged.
December - Zoom and Live, Annual Holiday Exchange and Luncheon, 2 away stitchers participating. No sign up necessary if those attending in person. The item should be a sampler themed stitched small and include your initials, the Guild initials and the year. Bring your wrapped gift to the meeting. Include a card with your name and pattern information.
The guild will provide wraps and paper products. Members should bring their own beverage and a covered dish to share.
We will be voting on the Designer of the Year for 2024
January - Zoom only - Members will be sharing any stitching related holiday gifts received; review of Designer of the Year finishes. We will have a slide show of all the Plum Street pieces stitched in 2023. Paulette Stewart of Plum Street has been contacted and may be able to join us for the meeting. Please send pictures of any stitched items to Linda D before January 1st to be included in the January Meeting slide show. Participation awards will be given for those on the slide show.
February - Zoom only - Kimberly Nugent of Samplers Not Forgotten will review the 2024 SAL the Hummingbird Sampler. Linda has a stitching schedule for the completion of the sampler by February 2024 that she will share. Sign up has closed and the numbers have been provided to Kimberly.
March - Live and Zoom - Susan H will demonstrate how to convert a jewelry box to a stitching kit. More information will follow.
April - Live and Zoom - Jackie DuPlessis Sampler Class. This will be an all day class. There are two options. The piece can be stitched as a Sampler or stitched over one and finished as an etui. Sampler will be taught in the meeting and the etui will be in the afternoon. The piece is called Cherry Berry. Away stitchers will be permitted. More information and sign ups will follow.
May - Live and Zoom - A therapist will be at the meeting to show us exercises to help with our necks, shoulders and arms that grow sore and tired from sitting and stitching.
June - TBD
July - Beth Seal of Summer House Stitche Workes hold a discussion on Susquehanna Samplers. More information will follow.
August - TBD
September - Live and Zoom - Teresa Miller of Teresa’s Prim Treasures will be teaching a small piece. Away stitchers will be permitted. More information will follow.
October - (garage sale) ?
November - Live and Zoom - Kim Young of Sassy Jacks will be teaching the Mabel Tuke Sampler. Count options are 32 - 36 - 40. More information will following
Today’s Progam
Janis Note of Noteworthy Needle taught the DVHSG Thimble Box. Janis provided her history and anecdotes. Janis custom designed the box for DVHSG. The demonstration was both live and via Zoom. Janis also had a small trunk show.
Nominating Committee - Kathy R worked with Evalyn G on the Nominating Committee. The offices of President and Secretary positions are open for re-election. Having no names from the floor a motion was made to close and second the slate of the elections a s presented. Evelyn C for President and Caryl C for Secretary. A voice vote of those present was held with all in favor of Evelyn C for President and Caryl C for Secretary.
Secret Stitcher - If you do not have a FB account, please notify Susan H and she will post your acknowledgement or thank you on FB for you when you receive a ‘gift’.
Designer of the Year - We currently have 10 names on the list. Please send in any ideas you have. The Board will meet and pare the number down from ten prior to the December meeting. We will vote at the December meeting.
The Green Book - The Green Book or Patrick’s Book was explained for new members. It is an ongoing book where members can log their completed projects. Each person’s list is filed alphabetically in the binder. Members can review the binder and see a listing of what they have accomplished in any year. Members should email their list to Linda Daeleman’s before the end of January. She will print and prepare for Patrick to file in the binder. Numbers will be reviewed and participation awards will be given. Following Linda’s term as President, she will continue to collect and prepare these each year for Patrick.
Conservation Committee - The Conservation Committee is preparing a report for the Board with their recommendation for the annual donation.
Patrick was recognized for being featured in the Needlepointers September/October ANG publication. Kudos to Patrick.

Tech Person - Susan H. has volunteered to create power points as needed for the Guild meetings.
Spring Date for the Spring DVHSG Retreat is being finalized.
A road trip to Hobby House Needleworks in Fairport NY is in the “interest” stages. The trip will be stitching at Hobby House, tour of the Ontario County Historical Society and their collection of samplers, lunch together following the visit to the historical society. Each participant will be responsible for their own lodging and transportation to and from Fairport. More details on dates, etc., and local places of interest will be provided if the trip is arranged.
December - Zoom and Live, Annual Holiday Exchange and Luncheon, 2 away stitchers participating. No sign up necessary if those attending in person. The item should be a sampler themed stitched small and include your initials, the Guild initials and the year. Bring your wrapped gift to the meeting. Include a card with your name and pattern information.
The guild will provide wraps and paper products. Members should bring their own beverage and a covered dish to share.
We will be voting on the Designer of the Year for 2024
January - Zoom only - Members will be sharing any stitching related holiday gifts received; review of Designer of the Year finishes. We will have a slide show of all the Plum Street pieces stitched in 2023. Paulette Stewart of Plum Street has been contacted and may be able to join us for the meeting. Please send pictures of any stitched items to Linda D before January 1st to be included in the January Meeting slide show. Participation awards will be given for those on the slide show.
February - Zoom only - Kimberly Nugent of Samplers Not Forgotten will review the 2024 SAL the Hummingbird Sampler. Linda has a stitching schedule for the completion of the sampler by February 2024 that she will share. Sign up has closed and the numbers have been provided to Kimberly.
March - Live and Zoom - Susan H will demonstrate how to convert a jewelry box to a stitching kit. More information will follow.
April - Live and Zoom - Jackie DuPlessis Sampler Class. This will be an all day class. There are two options. The piece can be stitched as a Sampler or stitched over one and finished as an etui. Sampler will be taught in the meeting and the etui will be in the afternoon. The piece is called Cherry Berry. Away stitchers will be permitted. More information and sign ups will follow.
May - Live and Zoom - A therapist will be at the meeting to show us exercises to help with our necks, shoulders and arms that grow sore and tired from sitting and stitching.
June - TBD
July - Beth Seal of Summer House Stitche Workes hold a discussion on Susquehanna Samplers. More information will follow.
August - TBD
September - Live and Zoom - Teresa Miller of Teresa’s Prim Treasures will be teaching a small piece. Away stitchers will be permitted. More information will follow.
October - (garage sale) ?
November - Live and Zoom - Kim Young of Sassy Jacks will be teaching the Mabel Tuke Sampler. Count options are 32 - 36 - 40. More information will following
Today’s Progam
Janis Note of Noteworthy Needle taught the DVHSG Thimble Box. Janis provided her history and anecdotes. Janis custom designed the box for DVHSG. The demonstration was both live and via Zoom. Janis also had a small trunk show.
Forty-four members enjoyed the combined Meeting/Retreat Combination. It is always fun to see members in person and having the Meeting/Retreat combo offered a chance to really get to know each other that just doesn’t happen during a regular meeting or via zoom. Thank all who made it possible.
Meeting attendance: 66. 44 in person and 22 via Zoom. Way to go stitchers!
Thank you also to Amy G for taking and posting photos on our Facebook page.