Thursday, December 30, 2021

December 2021

We continue to be GRATEFUL to Evalyn and Jon for hosting our meetings and keeping us connected!  As well a big THANK YOU to all who make this possible behind the scenes.  They surely are making the best of the current situation.

Business -

  • Please remember to send any Show and Tell photos to Linda D. no later than Tuesday before our monthly meeting.
  • If you have any ideas for future programs please reach out to one of the board members. 
  • If you have any suggestions for an in-person meeting location, please contact a board member. 
  • We held modified elections for 2 officer positions. Linda Daelemans and Caryl Carthew were re-elected for President and Secretary respectively.
  • In January, we will be voting on a new designer to highlight for 2022. If you have suggestions of a sampler designer please let Linda D. know no later then January 1st.
  • Both the April and October  MEMBERS ONLY Retreats at Salty Yarns are on the schedule for 2022.  Updates with dates and specifics will be shared in the new year.
  • Hobby House Needleworks has provided us with a visitor’s guide to Pittsford, NY. The guide is available in the files section of our Facebook page.
  • Our next meeting will be on January 8, 2022. Since the December stitch-in date falls on Christmas, we are canceling it for this month. Please continue to share what you are currently stitching on our Facebook page. 

December Program

This month, we welcomed Stephanie Bishop of Fabrics by Stephanie. She shared with us how she started dying fabric and explained some of the intricacies of her business. She operates out of her basement. She started dying fabric for herself and sold the seconds on a couple of stash groups and the business has expanded from there. She uses professional dyes since Rit Dye fades over time. She purchases fabric wholesale from several different sources, including Wichelt, Zweigart, and Yarn Tree. Covid has made the supply chain a challenge and this has often delayed her shipping. She dyes to order and doesn’t keep a lot of inventory on hand. She has worked with several designers, including Cathy Haberman from Hands-on-Design. She sells 14 count through 46 count, but the most popular counts are 32 and 36. The most popular colors are Chocolate Milk and Colonial Parchment. Her personal favorite I Brigid. Check out her website for all the fabrics she offers--Fabrics by Stephanie LLC - Dyed Fabrics, Hand Dyed Fabrics ( We thank Stephanie for spending time with us.

Upcoming Meetings - 

January - We showcase our salute to La-D-Da with a slide show of member completed La-D-Da projects from 2021. Designer  Lori Markovic will join us for this meeting and I know she would love to see all her projects that we have stitched. Please send photos of La-D-Da projects that you have completed this year to Linda D. no later than the Tuesday before the meeting to be included in the prize drawing. Patrick will review our 21 in 21 Challange.  Send your list of completed projects to Linda D. by January 1st.  We will also share our holiday exchange pieces.  If you participated, your exchange partner needs to receive their gift prior to the January meeting.

February - Our year-long SAL of Garden of Stitches by Samplers Not Forgotten will start. The designer, Kim Nugent, will be with us for our program. She will give a presentation, but it is not a class.   You do not have to be participating in the SAL to join the meeting.  

March - To be decided

April - Since most of the board will be unavailable for the meeting, we will be having a stitch-in instead. Our Salty Yarns Retreat will be in April. More information to follow.

May - We have secured a hotel facility for our delayed anniversary celebration.  The event will cover Saturday and Sunday with a possible field trip on Friday. Vickie from Needlework Press will be teaching two classes. A block of rooms will be available at the hotel for those who wish to stay over. More information to follow.

June - This meeting will focus on techniques for stitching on gauze.  We will be offering a project designed by Erica Michaels. The registration is due by the February meeting. Information is posted in the files section of our Facebook page. The form includes information on cost and options for receiving your kit. The kit will include the gauze and the pattern. Members will provide the threads.

July - We will see some ideas for finishing the silk gauze project.

Monday, November 29, 2021

November 2021

We are still "zooming" along.  Many thanks to Evalyn and Jon and all the others that make our zoom meeting and great programming possible as well as full of information and sharing.  

Reminders -

If you have photos of 1 or 2 projects you wish to share for Show and Tell, please forward them to President Linda D. no later than the Tuesday prior to the meeting.

If you have any suggestions for a future meeting, please share them with any Board Member.

If you have a suggestions for a meeting site for us to hold in person meetings, please share it with any Board Member.

Holiday Exchange - We have 12 - 14 members who are participating.  Participants will mail this exchange piece directly to their 'person'.  All exchange pieces will be shared at the January Zoom Meeting.

Designer of the Year - La-D-Da - Stacy reached out to  La-D-Da for possible donation of chart/s for our prize drawing.    If you have finished any La-D-Da pieces in 2021, please send Linda D. a photo so it can be incorporated in the January Power Point Presentation.

21 in 21  - Continue to keep track of your completed projects in 2021.   At the end of the year, you can forward your list to President Linda D. who will tally and forward to Patrick.   Winners for most completed projects will be announced at the January Meeting.

Election of Officers - The offices of President and Secretary are up for re-election.   Submit ideas or volunteer information to Nancy F.  We will discuss at the December if we may forego the by-laws and allow the current officers to remain in office.

Program - 

Our program this month was a discussion on Bristol Samplers given by Claudia Dutcher Kisler of Dutch Treat Samplers.  I first have to said that it was evident that Claudia loves what she does.   She has such a wealth of informations about the Bristol Samplers as well as other aspects of needle arts.

Her discussion centered on Bristol Samplers.    The name comes from the orphanages in Bristol, England.    The girls were required to create a resume' with their needle and thread.   Typically they included letters and motifs.  Most often they were stitched in red.   These samplers were tiny, often stitched on 35 count.  

Program - 

Our program this month was a discussion on Bristol Samplers given by Claudia Dutcher Kisler of Dutch Treat Samplers.  I first have to said that it was evident that Claudia loves what she does.   She has such a wealth of information about the Bristol Samplers as well as other aspects of needle arts.

Her discussion centered on Bristol Samplers.    The name comes from the orphanages in Bristol, England, founded by George Muller.    The girls were required to create a resume' with their needle and thread.   Typically they included letters and motifs.  Most often they were stitched in red.   Unlike American orphanages, children remained there until they secured employment, either as apprentices or in other forms of service. Although George died in 1898, the facilities continued until their closing in 1958. The buildings still exist and are used as housing, offices, and part of Bristol College. 

These are samplers created by young ladies living at the orphanages founded by George Muller. George worked with his wife, Mary.   George kept the records, which are said to thorough and detailed.   These original records still exist and have been digitized.  Mary taught the girls stitching.  The first orphanage was in his home and was established in 1836. Eventually they outgrew that location.  Between 1849 and 1870, he built five additional organ homes housing as many as 2,000 orphans.   George and Mary's daughter took over the orphanage in 1875.  This orphanage operated solely on donations and no fundraising was ever done. 

There was a strict criteria before a child could be admitted into the orphanage.   George included in his records  - the father's occupation, any family value, a list of possessions, where the possessions were located, living relatives, health and immunization records.   An "undertaking agreement" had to be signed by a relative or friend that would agree to take back the child if he/she were unable to stay at the orphanage or unable to find work.  Children remained at the orphanage until they could secure employment.  

 Claudia discussed the categories of Bristol Samplers, including: Traditional Early, Border Band, Tic Tac Toe, Name Samplers, Double Wreath, Motif Samplers, Ship Samplers, and Traditional.  Early samplers were hem stitched or turned under.  

Spot samplers shared motifs.   Dog (a nod to Queen Victoria) ship, wreath, bible, berry bowls, crown, Prince of Wales feathers.   Motif were also based on the teacher or patterns available.   Although most Bristol samplers found are in red.   This is partly because all the girls were required to stitch a red sampler.  The reds were done in cotton.   The multi-colored samplers seem to include every color but red were done in silks.   The red was common in English samplers.   It was easy to see; most likely plentiful to the region.   These samplers were usually done on heavy cotton fabric which may be why they have held up so well.  Many Bristol Samplers did not survive because the children would burn them because of the stigma of being an orphan. 

Visits for a small fee for information on the girls of the orphanage can be arranged by contacting the trust in advance.  

For more information about these samplers, please visit  the following sites: (George Muller Charitable Trust—GMCT);, and


Upcoming Programs 

December - Stephanie from Fabrics by Stephanie will be with us to talk about fabric dying.

January - We will highlight our salute to La-D-Da with a showcase of her projects that we have stitched this year.  Also, Patrick will re-cap the 21 in 21 challenge. 

February - We will begin our year-long SAL of Garden of Stitches by Samplers Not Forgotten. The designer will be with us for our program.  The meeting is NOT a class.   If you are not joining the SAL, you can still take part in the meeting.


March - TBD

April - TBD

May - Our anniversary celebration—more information to follow as details are worked out. The event will cover Saturday and Sunday and possibly a field trip on Friday.

June - Silk gauze project. This meeting will focus on techniques for stitching on gauze.

July - We will hear some ideas for finishing the silk gauze project.

Friday, October 29, 2021

October 2021

Here we are again, meeting during this time of Covid via Zoom.  Although this is not the preferred way to meet we are making the best of it.  On a positive note, it has allowed our out-of-area members to joining us each month  I know all 53 who participated this month are grateful to Evalyn and Jon for their continued efforts for our meetings and keeping us connected!  

Guild Business

- We are going to continue with this format until we can meet in person again. For access, the same link for our meetings is the same since it was set as a recurring event.  A link will sent prior to each meeting. Also a reminder is posted to our  Facebook page. 

- If you wish to share photos of 1 or 2 of the projects you have completed for our next meeting, please send them to President Linda D. no later than the Tuesday for the Show and Tell slideshow. 

- If you have ideas for future programs or in-person locations, please reach out to one of the board members. 

2021 challenge continues this year with “21 in 21”. Keep making your list.

- La-D-Da is our showcase designer for 2021. We hope that you will stitch some of her designs this year.  You can check her website for ideas  

- A poll at today’s meeting indicated that members are interested in having our annual exchange. Watch your email for a google survey to complete if you want to participate. 

- Many thanks to Stacy S. who has managed to coordinate great programs each month of this pandemic.   Please contact Stacy if have any program ideas.



We welcomed Vickie LoPiccolo Jennett of Needlework Press, to our meeting. She provided a presentation on perforated paper (“A Passion for Perforated Paper”). She was a wealth of knowledge and shared the fascinating history of perforated paper.   Many thanks to Vickie for this presentation. She created a project for the group and members had the opportunity in advance to purchase the kit.   Salty Yarns is offering a membership discount for the purchase of any Needlework Press pattern in the month of October. Be sure to mention you are a member when placing an order.  

Here are links to some of the products Vickie uses when working with  perforated paper:

1.     Scissors for cutting paper from

2.     Tweezers for picking threads from

3.     YES Paste (stik flat glue)—available from Target, Amazon, and JoAnn’s.

4.     Fray check to secure knots—available from JoAnn’s and Amazon.


Upcoming Meetings:  

November - Claudia Dutcher Kistler will join us for a presentation on Bristol Orphan Samplers.

December - Stephanie from Fabrics by Stephanie will be with us to talk about fabric dying.

January - We will salute our designer of the year, La-D-Da, with a showcase of her projects that we have stitched this year. 

February - We will begin our year-long SAL of Garden of Stitches by Samplers Not Forgotten. The designer will be with us for our program. 

March  - TBD


May - Our delayed anniversary celebration—more information to follow. The event will cover Saturday and Sunday.  A field trip on Friday may also be possible.

June - Silk gauze project. This meeting will focus on techniques for stitching on gauze.

JulyWe will hear some ideas for finishing the silk gauze project.


Thursday, September 30, 2021

September 2021

Who would have thought all those months ago that we would still be meeting via Zoom.  At the same time we are so fortunate that we can meet by Zoom.   It is the best way for stitchers to gather but just like in stitching, sometimes you need to compensate.   Continued thanks to Evalyn and Jon for coordinating and recording our meetings.  

Guild Business

     - Please forward photos of your finishes for Show and Tell to President Linda no later than the Tuesday prior to the meeting.  

    - Please reach out to any Board member if you have ideas for a future meeting.  

    - Cokesbury continues to prohibit outside guests onsite.  If you have a suggestion for a location where we can meet in person safely, please share with any Board Member. 

    - Monthly Stitch-ins via Zoom continue on the fourth Saturday of the month (10:00 am-12:00). Our next is September 25, 2021. The link will be sent prior to the stitch-in.  

Today's Program

This month we were treated with a tour of Hobby House Needleworks in Pittsford, New York.  Kathy and David Mills gave us a tour of their shop.  They stock everything you could ever want.    Their inventory is vast including patterns, fabric, threads and other necessary stitching items.  Watch for future shop exclusives.   The shop looks so adorably quaint and welcoming with everything displayed beautifully.   This husband and wife team are  open for in-person and online sales 7 days per week. Their website has information for email, address and phone number and can be found on Facebook.   They are creating a tourist guide for the Pittsford, NY area which will include local dining, hotel accommodations, sites, etc.  Thank you Kathy and Dave for a wonderful virtual tour of your store. Many of us are mapping out a future road trip. 

Upcoming Meetings 

October—For October Meetings, our regular meeting and our monthly Stitch-in will swap dates.  The regular meeting date has been moved to the 23rd due to conflicting with Jamboree weekend. Our monthly stitch-in will be on the second Saturday (10/9) 

Vickie from Needlework Press has rescheduled to this month and will be with us virtually to present on perforated paper. For members that have ordered a kit, they were mailed this week (week of 9/13/21) so you should have yours well before the meeting. All are welcomed to join the meeting for the presentation whether you purchased the kit or not.  The meeting is a discussion versus a class so you do not have to get the kit to participate.

November—Claudia Dutcher Kistler will join us for a presentation on Bristol Orphan Samplers.

Other updates

Fall Guild Retreat         Our Fall guild retreat is scheduled for October 15-17. Approximately 40 have registered.

21 in 21 Challenge continues.   Keep a list of your finished pieces.  

Rehoboth Beach Needlework Exhibit has been cancelled.       

Anniversary Celebration May 2022 - A committee has been set up and they are researching a hotel for us to hold our celebration.  More information will come as details are finalized.  

Designer of the year - Our showcase designer for 2021 is La-D-Da. Hopefully you are stitching some of her designs this year.  Check out her website  

Floss Tube Channel - Lynn D. shared that Sambrie Stitches Flosstube channel often interviews other flosstubers. This may help you if you are looking to explore the options on YouTube.



Wednesday, August 18, 2021

August 2021 Meeting

 President Linda welcomed everyone and conducted a brief business meeting.

  • Our Fall guild retreat is scheduled for October 15-17. The registration form was due by July 1.  This is a MEMBERS ONLY retreat.   
  • Our "21 in 21" challenge continues. Keep updating your list of your finishes.
  • La-D-Da is our showcase designer for 2021. There are some really nice new designs out that were part of the springtime Needlework Expo and perhaps more new designs in the August Needlework Expo.  You can check her website for  
  • Some of our conservation funds were given to the New Castle Historical Society and they are currently cleaning and treating a mid-18th century Dutch sampler with those funds.
  • One note, regarding returning to meeting at Cokesbury. We are hitting a stumbling block with Cokesbury. We no longer have a sponsor so we will have to pay for the space for each meeting.   The rate is in the $300 range per session. Also, we will probably face further restrictions for in-person gatherings, use of kitchen, bringing in food. If you have suggestions for a meeting space we could use once we can gather together safely, please let one of the board members know your idea(s).  We will continue with these Zoom style meeting for the foreseeable future.  A reminder is posted on Facebook each month. If you would like to share Show and Tell, forward your photos to Linda D. the weekend before the scheduled meeting.  
  • The Rehoboth Beach Museum will be holding their 2021 Needlework exhibition September 18 through November 7. Entries will be accepted between August 27 and September 11. The entry form and rules are attached. (Rehoboth Beach Museum)
  • We are continuing to have a Zoom stitch-in on the fourth Saturday of the month (10:00 am-12:00). Our next is set for August 28, 2021. The link is the same as last month’s stitch-in, but we will be sending you the link again prior to the event.

Upcoming Meetings: 

September—Vickie from Needlework Press will be with us virtually to do presentation on perforated paper. She has also created a kit for us and members had the opportunity to order it in advance.  It is not  a class, so you do not have to get the kit to participate.  Note: You can still participate in the meeting and hear her presentation even if you chose not to purchase the kit.  Also, Salty Yarns will be giving a 15% discount on Needlework Press patterns during the month of September.

October—Note that the dates for the guild meeting and the stitch-in are switching in October because of Jamboree at Salty Yarns. A number of our members are participating in this event. (Stitch-in on October 10 and Guild meeting on October 24.) Program TBD.

November—Claudia Dutcher Kistler will join us for a presentation on Bristol orphanage samplers. 


This month, Francine Craven gave a presentation on her fabulous collection of vintage and antique needlework tools. (Thank you to Linda, Shannon, Evalyn and Jon for helping with the presentation!) We saw a wonderful collection of spool caddies, pin cushions, thimbles, needlebooks, bobbin boxes, pyramid pins, and Mauchline Ware. (see this post for more on Mauchline Ware). Thank you Francine for sharing this presentation with us!!! If you have questions for Francine on collecting, you can email her.

Francine also shared some resources for collecting:

  • Antique American Needlework Tools by Dawn Cook Ronningen (If you order this book from Dawn through her Facebook page or blog, she will autograph the book for you.)
  • Dawn’s Facebook page (Antique and Vintage Needlework Tools) and blog (

Again a very special thanks to everyone who makes these meetings possible. From those who coordinate the "broadcasting", to our officers, to the great ideas for programming that we have each month, to the reminders and follow up from our secretary.   Who would have thought when the pandemic started that we would still be able to share the joy of needlework together.  If you cannot join the Zoom Meeting live, Jon and Evalyn and Caryl do a FANTASTIC job of recording and uploading the meeting.   This month I wasn't available at meeting time so I watched the video.   It was just like I was at the Zoom Meeting and found myself smiling and agreeing with some of the comments as if it were a "live" meeting.   We are so fortunate to have this option!   Thank you all that make it possible.