Nonetheless, it was a good meeting.
- Challenge - We will again be keeping a running list of completed projects for 2018. At each meeting, the notebook will be circulated for your entries.
- Woodlawn - Their annual exhibit ran the month of March. Go to their website for a list of this year's winners. (
- Yahoo mail - If you are still unsure if you are getting our emails or you know someone who isn't, please check your spam/junk mail folder. Some mail services block Yahoo emails and instead the email goes into spam. DVHGS is not notified these emails are not getting to inboxes. Please reach out to Caryl C. at a meeting if you are still experiencing an issue. Caryl sends meeting reminders the Sunday before our monthly meetings and sends out the newsletter within a day or two of the meeting.
- The DVHSG Spring Retreat will be the last weekend in April. This is a MEMBERS ONLY function. The deadline to register was March 10th.
- Penn Dry Goods Market - This year's event is May 18 and 19 at the Schwenkfelder Library. Check out the website for details. (
- May - June The Biggs Museum in Dover, DE will host an exhibit from May 19th through June 22. On June 9th, there will be a symposium. Here is the link to purchase tickets for the symposium ( )
- Louden Sampler Guild - Louden will host the Royal School of Needlework. This will be the first held in the United States (other than seminars in Williamsburg). There will be two one-week sessions. July 8-14 and July 15-22. There will be a variety of courses, exhibits, programs and events. Please check their website for more information (
- Lancaster Fiber Festival - The festival will be August 16 -18. See their website for more information on the event and classes.
- Rehoboth Museum Exhibit - The show has been moved to the fall of 2018. More information will follow on the dates.
- Williamsburg - Christmas in Williamsburg is the first weekend in December. Please go to the Just CrossStitch website for more info.
Red Band Sampler
On Facebook, many are following th year-long project from Carol of iStitch Designs. This year is the Red Band Sampler. You can join the group with no obligation to stitch the project. It is fun and inspiration to see the different interpretations stitchers are doing. If you wish to join in, the cost is $27 and the next section of the pattern is emailed each week throughout the year. The fee covers the pattern only. Carol is based in the UK. In the US, Sassy Jack's Stitchery carries the banding.
For those participating in the Lauren Sauer Stitch-a-long, you should be on rows 13 to 17. here are some hints.
- You may run out of Forest Glad so you may want to use this thread for the dividing bands only. You could also substitute a stitch other than the Montenegrin stitch as it uses a lot of floss.
- Row 8 - The buttonhole wheels use the same stitch sequence as an Algerian Eye. You will have to catch the thread when yo come up for the next stitch.
- Rows 16 to 20 - If you stitch the flowers first, i will make it easier to place the stem stitch. You can substitute the whipped backstitch for the stem stitch if you prefer.
- Schedule for the rest of the year:
o April-May 18-21
o May-June 22-24
o June-July 25-28
o July-August 29-32
o August-September 33-36
o September-October 37-40
o October-November 41-44
o November-December 45-48
o December-January 49-52
Our guest speaker was Niky Farrauto of Niky’s Creations. She gave us a little history of her stitching and life as a young girl. After a hiatus from stitching when raising her children and teaching dance (she is a classically trained dancer and ballerina.), she found her way back to stitching. She loves antique samplers and researching their history.After stitching models for designers, she was encouraged to start her own company. And the rest, shall we say is history. Her designs are primitive—using soft colors and simple designs.
It was interesting to learn of the difficulty in getting floss, fibers and linens in Europe. She still lives in the small village north of Milan not far from Switzerland where she grew up. She finds inspiration for her designs in travels. She also hand-dyes her own fabric. She likes to design flowers, nature and houses. She feels the worst part of being a designer is not having the time to stitch her own designs or other people’s designs. She does run a club with kits throughout the year. She has a website ( Her blog address is She does run a yearly stitching club and information about the club is on her blog. She also has an Etsy shop.
For members who signed up ahead of time, Niky taught a class in the afternoon--the Italian Flower Pot Needleroll.
And now our picture walk of Show n Tell
And since it took me so long to get my act together and post, my apologies if I label any pix incorrectly.
Redwork piece stitched by Ann S.
Stitched from Cricket Collection, stitched by Kathy R.
Basket of strawberries stitched by Jean T. These are the 12 days of Christmas
Stitched by new member - Lindsey
Stitched by Cinda
Sojourner, from Heart's Ease Exemplar, stitched by designer (and member!) Theresa B.

Beautiful work from Patric B.
Stitched by Lindsey

Hannah Pepper Sampler, stitched by Theresa B.
The tray (one of Niki's designs) and needle book, stitched by Francine C.
The basket tag, carrier, squirrel and heart, stitched by Robin T.
Next meeting - April 14th. Join us display and talk by Cynthia Symanski about her sampler collection.
Our guest speaker was Niky Farrauto of Niky’s Creations. She gave us a little history of her stitching and life as a young girl. After a hiatus from stitching when raising her children and teaching dance (she is a classically trained dancer and ballerina.), she found her way back to stitching. She loves antique samplers and researching their history.After stitching models for designers, she was encouraged to start her own company. And the rest, shall we say is history. Her designs are primitive—using soft colors and simple designs.
It was interesting to learn of the difficulty in getting floss, fibers and linens in Europe. She still lives in the small village north of Milan not far from Switzerland where she grew up. She finds inspiration for her designs in travels. She also hand-dyes her own fabric. She likes to design flowers, nature and houses. She feels the worst part of being a designer is not having the time to stitch her own designs or other people’s designs. She does run a club with kits throughout the year. She has a website ( Her blog address is She does run a yearly stitching club and information about the club is on her blog. She also has an Etsy shop.
For members who signed up ahead of time, Niky taught a class in the afternoon--the Italian Flower Pot Needleroll.
And now our picture walk of Show n Tell
Redwork piece stitched by Ann S.
Stitched by Kathy R.
Stitched from Cricket Collection, stitched by Kathy R.
Basket of strawberries stitched by Jean T. These are the 12 days of Christmas
Stitched by new member - Lindsey
Also, stitched by Lindsey
Stitched by Cinda
Sojourner, from Heart's Ease Exemplar, stitched by designer (and member!) Theresa B.
Beautiful work from Patric B.
Stitched by Lindsey
Hannah Pepper Sampler, stitched by Theresa B.
An adaptation from a design by Samplers Revisited, stitched by Theresa B.
The tray (one of Niki's designs) and needle book, stitched by Francine C.
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