Our meeting was called to order by Eve C. and she welcomed all present today on Zoom. There were +/-70 members on Zoom.
We held a moment of silence to commemorate the passing of Jean Lea (owner of the Attic). She was a major contributor to our community and she will be sorely missed.
We also welcomed Lindsay W. as a former member who has rejoined our group.
Minutes from the last meeting had been distributed prior to the meeting.
Treasurer’s Report was shared. Membership for 2025 is due. If your 2025 dues is not received by the March Meeting, your name will come off the distribution list for DVHSG communications.
Our Guild Challenge for 2025 will be a UFO Challenge. Those who want to participate should select any 5 projects. They can be new projects or WIP’s. Number your projects 1 to 5. Each month we will draw a number and that will be your focus piece until the next monthly meeting. The number for February is _____. It is a good way to get some work done on an old project.
Secret Stitchers - Just a reminder, if you are part of the Secret Stitcher program you should be sending something to your person at least 4 times per year, including birthdays and holidays. When you receive a gift, please be sure to post it on our Facebook page and thank your Secret Stitcher. If you do not have a Facebook account, email Susan H the details and she will post it for you.
Upcoming - We are working on the details for planning a retreat at Hobby House Needlework near Rochester, NY. A survey will be sent to all members for input. The date is the weekend of July 18, 2025. More details will follow.
Our Designer of the Year for 2025 is Jeannette Douglas Designs. Please keep track of your JDD pieces and be ready to share them at the January 2026 Meeting.
February is the end of our year-long Stitch - A - Long, (SAL) on the Hummingbird Sampler from Samplers Not Forgotten. Thank to Linda D for leading us on this year long stitching adventure. And thank you to her son who created a PowerPoint presentation of all our individual work on this sampler. Members are encouraged to bring their pieces - whether they are framed, finished or unfinished - to our March Meeting where we will take a group shot of all the pieces.
We will be celebrating our 25 Anniversary in May of this year. More information will be shared as details are worked out.
Continued thanks to Stacy S for all her hard work scheduling programs for our enjoyment. We have 6 ZOOM only meetings and 6 HYBRID (Zoom and in-person) meetings planned for 2025. If you have any ideas for future projects or programs, please reach out to Stacy. The calendar in the side-bar to the right has been updated for 2025.
For today’s program, we welcomed Cissy Bailey Smith of Gentle Pursuits Designs. She gave a presentation on her collection of antique smalls. She shared everything from Needle Books to Pinkeeps, Shoes, Reticules, needlework cases and beyond. Collecting for her started with reproductions samplers but reproduction smalls are her passion. Cissy shared hints for how to start our own smalls collection as well as the best places to shops for antique smalls. She has an amazing collection. She told us with samplers, she enjoys the research aspect to find out all she can learn about the girls who stitched a particular sampler.
Did you know that reticules were precursors to pocketbooks?
In the 17th and 18th centuries learning needlework was essential for girls. Bedding had to be marked, garments had to be sewn. A girl with needlework skills was a good prospect for a wife. During the 19th century, with a more affluent middle-class, servants did the necessary household sewing. The ladies of the house did ‘fancy’ needlework and often carried it with them to social settings or stitched at home in the evenings. Kind of sounds much like what we still do.
Needleboxes or needlework cases often housed a woman’s calligrapher pens and tools.
Cissy has been collection for 20 - 25 years and her collection has grown to include perforated paper sewing tools, ‘shoe’ sewing tools and more.
One of her prized possessions is a Shaker sewing box. The Shakers are known for their excellent craftsmanship with box making and furniture.
For our ZOOM Meetings, check out our Facebook page for recents finishes.
Next meeting - March 8 - In person and Zoom
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