We had a great Annual Holiday Luncheon at our regular December meeting. Everyone brought a covered dish to share. Somehow, without even having a sign up sheet of who brings what, we seem to manage to end up with a great variety of goodies. No one goes away hungry for sure!
We had our usual Business Meeting first. Linda welcomed new/first time attendees who told us their stitchy story. The Treasurer’s Report was shared.

The Guild acknowledged and thanked Kyle D for his help with the Power Point Presentations and gave him a gift card for his efforts. As this was Linda’s last meeting as DVHSG President, she shared remarks regarding her tenure and time with Delaware Valley Historic Sampler Guild. We are all very appreciative of Linda’s efforts navigating the Guild through the changes we were all confronted with during Covid. Going forward, Linda plans to still have an active role in the guild. Thank you Linda for your leadership!
Secret Stitchers
When sending items, use Susan H.’s address as the return address. This way you will not be giving yourself away. If any are returned to sender, Susan will be able to tracker done the recipient. Please remember to post in Facebook when you receive a gift so the sender knows it has arrived. If you do not have a FB account, send an email to Susan and she will post it for you.
The DVHSG Spring Retreat will be the last weekend of April 2024, April 26, 27, and 28. More information will follow.
Show and Tell
Above and below, some handiwork from members who attended the Michelle Ink Silver Class in September
Beautiful tote bag stitched by Ruth U.
“Wool-a-Mina” from Plum Street, stitched by Caryl C.
Beautiful band sampler from a Theresa Baird pattern, stitched by Ann S.Red School House stitched by Ann S. with the same red variegated floss. Looks like she did a little thread manipulation to get that school house roof dark.
Upcoming programs
Zoom only meetings will be in - January, February, June, July, August and November
In person and Zoom meetings will be - March, April, May, September, October and December
January - Members will share their holiday gifts received. We will have a PowerPoint presentation of all the complete programs from our 2023 Designer of the Year - Plum Street Samplers. If you haven’t sent in a photo of your finish, please send to Linda by January 1st. Stacy has reached out to Paulette and invited her to attend the meeting. There will be participation awards for those who have their finishes featured in the Power Point.

February - Kimberly Nugent of Samplers Not Forgotten will kick out our 2024 SAL - The Hummingbird Sampler. Linda will share the schedule of monthly goals. Stitchers get you supplies ready! Pre-ordered kits will be mailed in early January.
March - Susan H will lead a demonstration on turning jewelry boxes into sewing boxes. More information will come prior to the meeting.
April - Jackie DuPlessis will be teaching Cherry Berry. There will be two uptown’s for the class. The morning session will be to stitch the as a sampler, stitched over two threads. The afternoon session will be stitched over one and finished as a needleroll. This is a pre-register class. A flyer will be sent shortly with the class options. The kits for each will include linen, floss, directions.
May - We will have a therapist at the meeting who will share ways to help us with exercises to do to help with the neck, arm, back fatigue and posture from stitching.
June - TBD
July - Beth Seal of Summer House Stitche Workes will discuss Susquehanna Samplers
August - Caryl C. will instruct us on how to do a drum finish
September - Theresa’s Primitives Treasures will host a class - more details to follow.
October - Annual Garage Sale - tentative
November - Kim Young of Sassy Jack’s will discuss Mabel Tukes Sampler.
December - Annual Holiday Luncheon and Gifts Exchange
Thank you Stacy S. for having the best programs for DVHSG.
Before we could eat, we had to do our Holiday Exchange. Stitchers who wish to participate must stitch a sampler themed small, add DVHSG, their initials and the current year. This year there were 14 participants in person and two via Zoom.

A favorite of mine and currently on my work bench to fully finish. My Stitcher’s Heart by Hands on Design.
This stitcher photo copied in color a piece of her blackbird fabric to line the box.
Above and below two sweet stitched gifts.
Beautiful drum and I believe the maker said it was her FIRST!
Above and below two sweet stitched gifts.

Until next time. Next Meeting - Zoom only - 1/13/2024 - 10 am.
Wow, wow and wow!!! What beautiful work!!!