- Take note - change of venue for the rest of the year. Due to the ongoing construction at Cokesbury we will be in different meetings rooms until the end of 2018. For the October Meeting, we will be in the Atrium Room. For older (no, not older age -wise but members who have been members a long time) this is the original room we meet in. Enter through the main entrance and it is at the entry level directly one floor up from our normal meeting room. For November and December, we will be meeting in the DuPont Pavilion. Upon entering the grounds, take the first right, park in the second lot on the right and walk down the hill and across the street. This is the room we have met in several times in the last few months. Keep your eyes posted to any last minute email with a location change that Caryl C. may need to share.
- Secretary Caryl C. will be emailing all members the latest and greatest member's list shortly. Watch your email inbox for it.
- Conservation Fund - Members were voluntary asked to donate a portion of their profits from the annual Stash Reallocation Sale of our August Meeting. Treasurer Nancy F. noted we collected $150 for our treasury from the sales.
- Salty Yarns Retreat - Today was the deadline for sign-ups for this semi-annual retreat. The retreat is the weekend of October 5-6-7, 2018 at the Lankford Hotel/Salty Yarns in Ocean City, Maryland. This is a GUILD MEMBERS ONLY event.
- October Meeting - Francine and Marnie will share their Maulkline Collections
- November - Sharon Verbos of The Purple Thread will teach a small during the meeting. The cost is $10. There is no pre-stitch involved and the instructions will be done during the regularly scheduled meeting. There are a limited number of spaces. Watch your newsletter for a photo of the piece.
- December - Our annual Holiday Exchange/Covered Dish luncheon. More information will follow.
- January - Show and Tell of any holiday stitching related gift items received.
Show and Tell
This beautiful mirror is the Eleanor Parr Sampler stitched by Pat L. Pat had the vision to eliminate the center portion of the sampler and working with Rensel Studios in Utah had the stitching mounted as matting around the mirror. She has a special recipient in mind, her granddaughter!
MJ stitched this beautiful cathedral window quilt. We all loved the whimsy of the buttons at the intersections.
Inside of the box, above and close up of the inside of the lid below.
Sunshine on a Stem by Hands On Designs stitched and finished by Robin T.
Project Bag with stitching by Amy G. and bag by Carolina Stitcher
Gold work leaf from the May Class with Deborah Merritt Wilson, stitched by Amy G.
Smalls by Amy G.
More smalls by Amy G. The scissors fob is part of a class project by Betsy Morgan and the tiny flag, an EGA free project piece. Below a bell stitched by Amy G.
And more from Amy G. Amy has been busy! Below a Christmas ornament on left and name tag on the right.
Above and below, two WIP samplers by member Vicki P.
Bell pull by Pat Y.
Cute Mill Hill Kit picked up at the Stash Reallocation Sale in August. Stitched by one of our newer members who's name I didn't get. Sorry ;-(
Fall pinkeep sized pillow
Two more band samplers stitched by Pat Y. Sorry for the sideways view......fussing with blogger to correct!
Halloween pillow from SamSarah Designs stitched and finished by Deb E.
Another Stash Reallocation remake. Deb E. got this wooden piece and then added a small fall themed stitched piece to the front and embellished with fall foliage.
Above and below, beautiful bell pull from Stoney Creek Designs, stitched by Deb E.
And more from Deb E........what a clever finish for her Fresh Eggs stitched piece. That is real chicken wire, wrapped and stapled to the whitewashed barn board.
We were treated to a peyote bead demonstration by member Liz C. She gave all present a little starter kit and provided a starter card and instructions on how to do the work. Her instructions were great and while I got the concept, my beading needs to be neatened a bit....the design I choose, a spool of thread, quickly began to look more like a Frankenstein head! They all said the first three or four rows are the hardest and after that is is easy. Well I did and redid mine first four rows several times. It certainly was not Liz's fault....LOL....it was stitcher's error. It was great to get the introduction for peyote beading and maybe, maybe some of us with work to perfect our new skill set.
Above, previously finished peyote pieces by Carol W.Above and below, peyote pieces stitched by BJ S.
Above and below also stitched by BJ S. Above, the Girl with the Pearl Earring. Below, Monet's Givenchy's Garden. BJ said the piece below contains 40,000 beads! This one actually looks better the further away you are from it. Both are entirely of beads and are incredible.
Thank you Liz for instructing and Carol and BJ for sharing your pieces.
Next meeting, October 13. Watch your email for any last minute location changes.
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