Sunday, February 12, 2017

February Meeting

Another great meeting.   We welcomed members Lisa and Robin from Bethlehem PA.   It is quite a drive and they don't make all the meetings but are members just the same.   Speaking of which, Treasurer Nancy P. shared her records show 80, EIGHTY, 8 - zero, members.   Wow.  Is that ever fantastic!     Caryl C. has create new cards for members.   Please see her at the next meeting if you would like one.   Some stores, Joann's, for one, will give you a discount if you present your current DVHSG membership card.

CONSERVATION FUND DONATION for 2016.  The Committee received and reviewed requests for our Conservation Donation.  The Committee selected the New Castle Historic Society for help in the restoration of a 1806 silk on silk piece they plan to conserve.  Our $500 donation will surely help them.  

For the 2017 Conservation Fund Donation,  the Committee will accept applications from April to August 2017.   They will also roll forward the applications that were submitted for the 2016 award but were not selected.  The 2017 award will be announced in October 2017.  The information and application is available at both this blog and the DVHSG website.

     Catherine Theron - March
     Sherry Jones - April
     Betsy Morgan - June

NOT TOO EARLY to start work on your sampler themed, stitched piece for the holiday exchange.

Founding member Marsha C. has launched a FB page for Stash Reduction  (I have been unable to find the page but will provide the link when I do.)

Also on FB, Linen and Threads is hosting a Mystery Sampler SAL.   You don't have to join but do stop by and see the different varieties by the different stitchers that are participating.

Patrick presented a Shinto Broken Needle Ceremony.   This is a 400 year old Japanese ceremony to retire broken, rusted, or bent needles.  This evolved from long ago when a woman's ability and temperament was judged by her sewing skills and needles were an important tool.  Each year on February 8th, broken needles are stuck in tofu and  thanked for their service as offered at a Shinto shrine.  Originally needleworkers felt their needles had souls.  Needleworks 'thank' their needles for their service and help.   Concerns and personal burdens are passed on when the needless are put to rest.  This ritual is still observed today in Japan by tailors, seamstresses and others who make their living with the needle.  (I did a super quick iinernet search on why the tofu and why the fresh fruit.....but did not find an explanation.)


We starting something a little different for Show and Tell.   Sorry to say, there is sometimes too much chatter going on when a piece is being shown.   The stitcher who has a Show and Tell piece, has been asked to stand as the speak about their finish.   Hopefully this will be a visual cue to those talking to curtail their side conversations so others can hear and enjoy the meeting.  

Leave it to Patrick to come up with yet another unique finish.   Got a hand held strainer.....who doesn't think to stitch an owl on it?

 Patrick also stitched the needleworkers themed stocking.

 Susan D. stitched How Doth the Busy Bee little pillow with a scissors pocket from Cherished Stitches.

From the Lighthouse series of The Purple Thread, stitched by Stacy S.

 The Drawn Thread, Love Birds, stitched by Robin T.

 Miss Mary Mack, from La-D-Da stitched and finished (shown below) by Robin T.

 Deborah shared her finish of a Jackie D.'s Ode piece.   Really exquisite!  As all Jackie D.'s pieces the design is petite and beautiful and Deborah stitched and finished it to perfection.   And what's more...start only started this in October!!

A Gloucester County Sampler charted by Patti H. and stitched by Jean T.  Jean T. had other finishes but I didn't get a photos of them.....sorry Jean.

For our program, we did something different.   Three different members were asked to 'showcase' their stitching history.
First up was MaryRita, then Donna T. and last but not least Sandy J.  

Each shared when they started, theirs trials along the way as Donna confessed to stitching the ugliest dress ever on the face of the planet (while in Home Ec Class.) or MaryRita who shared she was fired from her job at the needlework store for buying too much.   The owner throught she was buying at her employee discount and reselling for profit.

All have worked in a variety of media from knitting, crocheting, stamped cross stitch, needlepoint, sewing, quilting and more.  We learned who influenced them, their favorite designs, and of all the techniques, their favorite.

 One of Donna's beautiful quilts she has made.   Can you believe that most of the quilts she makes she donates to charity?  And Donna likes to complete a project before starting the next.   What restraint!  Donna enjoys going to retreats to share ideas, tips, tricks and techniques with others.

 Sandy brought some of her pieces she has stitched over the years.  Sandy's mother sewed and knitted.   Before long Sandy was knitting and people were buying her ponchos.  Sandy, always a great story telling told us how on a cruise with rough seas, they all planned to use the needle rolls Sandy gifted the group to help as floatation devices!   (you had to be there to hear Sandy tell it) and to tell the story of Sandy in Ogden Utah in a Sheep Costume.   Not just her, but her 3 other travel makes in sheep outfits as well.....can you guess she was visiting Shephard's Bush for a retreat.
 This little beauty was on the table at a class and up comes Deb. H. with the same stitched piece and a friendship was born.

 Mary Rita was active in EGA for a time.  No one in her family sews so she doesn't know how she came to be so inclined.   She likes to keep busy so always having stitching nearby is a must for her.
 The above are some of the pieces MaryRita designed for her EGA guild.

Thank you all three for sharing your stitching stories.

Next meeting - March 11th, The Button Lady will be out speaker.   Buttons will be available for purchase.