We had a well attended meeting that started with a short business meeting, some Show and Tell and then we enjoyed our guest speaker, Barbara Hutson, Queenstown Samplers.
Upcoming events and information -
Fall retreat at Salty Yarns. Sign up and deposit due by September 1st to Stacy S. $135 for the Members Only retreat; $40 for those who wish to arrive on Thursday.
Winterthur Symposium, October 13th and 14th. There will be lectures and classes. For more information please go to Winterthur.com
By-Laws - The proposed changes to the by-laws have been circulated to members. The proposed changes are:
- elimination of the position/title of "Hospitality"
- Terms of the officers will be staggered. In odd numbered years, the November election will elect the President and Secretary. In even numbered years, the November election will elect Vice-President and Treasurer.
Last month at the Stash Exchange, Jean T. took some stitched Periwinkle Promises smalls home. She returned them this month as completed pin cushions. There will be given to the gift shop at Cokesbury for them to sell as a 'thank you' for housing our meetings.
Conservation Fund - There is now a tab on the Blog and a page on the Website for our Conservation Fund. A couple of organizations have already shown interest for this year's DVHSG donation. Please contact Ann S. if you are interested in helping her work on the Conservation Fund.
Reminder to work on your small exchange piece for the Annual Holiday Exchange at the December Meeting.
September Meeting - Carla Bates will be at our meeting to teach us how to pin needlework for framing. Sign up with Stacy S. NO LATER THAN 8/14. The cost will be approximately $15 per person, payable at the September meeting. Your 'kit' will include mat board, pinning and a frame. Please provide a piece of needlework with a 5 x 7 design - or - bring an unstitched piece of linen on which you have stitched a vertical and a horizontal line at the center (a plus sign). This will allow you to center your piece. Carla is the owner of The Frame Shoppe in Conshohocken, PA.
October 1st - There will be another Sampler ID Day in New Castle.
October Meeting - We will have a speaker on buttons. There will be show and tell and sales!
November Meeting - Cindy Steinboken will be bringing samplers and will talk on samplers. She is currently co-authoring a book on Delaware Samplers. Once the book is published, we will ask Cindy to return.
April 2017 - Betsy Morgan class. She is modifying a design she made for the Louden Guild to fit DVHSG.
September 2017 - Stacy S. is working out the details for a class with Lauren Sauer.
Show and Tell
How about this piece by Patrick to put thoughts of cooler weather in your mind?
The ever innovative Patrick used some speciality wood, turned it and added an antique silver handle to create a custom laying tool.
And Patrick also stitched this little dress for his son's girl friend. He stitched it in the colors and with the letters of her college sorority. Clever
Stitched by Ann S. This is a Queenstown Sampler pattern. Ann also stitched the 'Comfort' sampler from Queenstown Samplers, see that below with others from Barbara Hutson.
Lynn D. finished her pansy from the painted thread class in June.
Ellen P. has been busy with first, above, bag from Lindsay Lane.
The thread fob from Olde Colonial Designs, our Spring Retreat gift.
And last from Ellen, Paris but Country Cottage.
Edgar Allen Poe from Cricket Designs. stitched by Carol W. It is fun to see the different book references: The Tell Tale Heart, the Raven, the Masque of the Red Death, The Pit and the Pendulum.....
By Jean T. a Hands On Design - Block Party - Wool

And now for something completely different from Pat L. She is stitching pillows for her grandchildren. James like dinosaurs.
Barbara G. stitched another beautiful baby sampler. This is completed except for the name....baby due in a few weeks.
Carolyn N. had a basket of finishes from items she had at her County Fair.
And last but not least, Chessie & Me, stitched and finished by Stacy S.
Francine C. stitched the cutest button bag from Jackie Duplessis. I intended to circle back and get a picture but didn't. I have looked on the internet and cannot find an image. Francine! Please send me a pic so I can add it here. Thank you!!
Lynn D. finished her pansy from the painted thread class in June.
Ellen P. has been busy with first, above, bag from Lindsay Lane.
The thread fob from Olde Colonial Designs, our Spring Retreat gift.
And last from Ellen, Paris but Country Cottage.
By Jean T. a Hands On Design - Block Party - Wool
Jean stitched up this basket of pin cushions. These are the Birds of the Month by Cherished Stitches.
And now for something completely different from Pat L. She is stitching pillows for her grandchildren. James like dinosaurs.
Barbara G. stitched another beautiful baby sampler. This is completed except for the name....baby due in a few weeks.
And last but not least, Chessie & Me, stitched and finished by Stacy S.
Program - Barbara Hutson, Queenstown Samplers
Barbara gave her history. She has stitched since a young child and has always liked foreign samplers. She is intrigued with finding out the history of the stitcher and the sampler. Queenstown Samplers does charting of old samplers and original design. A portion of each museum reproduction chart sale, goes to the museum that houses that sampler. A history of each piece is included with each chart. How very thorough Barbara and Queenstown Samplers are!
Westtown School Sampler - Martha Pettit
Sarah Comfort Sampler - Ann S. brought her stitched piece to share as well
Mary Reese Sampler with a very pretty bottom band.
Fanny Covell Sampler
Jane Davis, 1811 Sampler
Mary Bullock, Pin Pillow
Smaller sampler
Ruth Pafsmore's Wilmington sampler from the "B" School or Brandywine school, stitched in 1804. She was a teacher from Chester County taught out of her home which was near the Quaker meeting house in Wilmington. This sampler was featured in the Biggs museum book.
New York State Sampler stitched by Emeline Vanderbilt, cousin of the Vanderbilt's. She was from the Tappen area of New York. This is a lot of open one this sampler.
Cousin of Emeline Vanderbilt, Maria Blauvelt from upstate New Jersey close to the Tappan NY area.
English SamplerThis is a South Jersey Sampler from Caroline Woodman of Burlington County. Barbara generously gifted all in attendance with this chart.
Landscape sampler. The original was stitched on 9 pieces of paper.
Hope you enjoyed your pictorial review of our meeting. Please feel free to submit any corrections! Keep on stitching everyone and stay hydrated and cool!